eHealth Wound Services

eHealth Services

Lighthouse Health Group provides best-practice wound management consultancy, treatment and support services, while promoting the client’s independence and involvement in their wound care.  

Our eHealth Wound Care Consultants are able to assess a client’s wound/s via photographs, video or videoconferencing.

Our eHealth services have provided assistance to clients living in rural or remote areas, Aged Care Facilities and has supported clients during the Covid lockdowns across Australia.

eHealth Remote Access Wound Care Services

Our eHealth Wound Service has always allowed clinicians and clients living in rural and/or remote areas throughout Australia to have the same ready access to our expert wound care consulting service.

Instead of the normal face-to-face clinical consultation, we instead use a combination of the very latest communication technologies.  This method has become particularly important during the Pandemic.

Using any combination of the above methods allows effective wound assessment and a holistic management plan to be developed within the comfort of your own home/facility.  

This convenient, technology-based approach ensures prompt and effective wound services and reduces the overall cost and personal inconvenience of travel and appointment time.

If you wish to access Lighthouse Health Group’s eHealth services please read and sign our Privacy Policy, read and accept the Fees and Charges form and Consent form.  See forms below and forward all documents to us along with a completed Wound Assessment Form.

Our Tissue Viability Nurse will be in contact with you within 24 hours to discuss your individual requirements.

Did you Know:  Wound healing is not simply about using the latest dressing products available but also involves determining the underlying cause and contributing factors of the wound such as nutritional status, medical history, medications, blood examinations, mobility, activities of daily living that may all impede wound healing.

Lighthouse Health Group’s Wound Management Consultants address these factors when providing treatment, education on wound assessment and the use of specialty dressings including the use of newly approved technologies for wound healing.

Why not chat with us and see if we can assist you or answer any of your questions about Lighthouse Health Group’s eHealth Wound Services